EccoVi.. gli obbiettivi di Acr-Crv Onlus di fatto..

Missione: “ACR (Onlus) svolge un’attività socio-culturale di prevenzione al BULLISMO. -‘dal 1987 ad oggi ”.. combatte le DEVIANZE GIOVANILI-il Cyberbullismo e "Bulli e Bullismo.. Vandali e Vandalismo” con l'OSCAR e crea protocolli d’intesa, tra operatori sociali, Associazioni, e Comitati. Breve Storia del Concorso di poesia/arti e mestieri OSCAR: Nasce nel 1987 a Milano, da un'intuizione di Sergio Dario Merzario, Rio, Semenza, Maderna e altri, prende il via il Concorso "IL BAGGESE". Acr, Repo e Paza nel 1999, lo trasformano nel trofeo lombardo ( che nel 2002 diviene TROFEO LOMBARDO LIGURE). Nel 2006 diventa OSCAR Internazionale CONTRO il BULLISMO con il contributo di Sergio Dario Merzario, Ketti Concetta Bosco , le biblioteche e l'Unicef Prov. di IMPERIA!”
Care/i Lettrici/lettori! Questo è uno dei tanti Blog dell'Acr-Onlus, che con tantissime .. persone.. DONNE ..Uomini.. Giovani.. e Associazioni.. NO PROFIT.. lottano contro il BULLISMO e per la VIVIBILITA' con l' Ambiente. Il successo di un blog sta nel numero dei commenti, Vi preghiamo pertanto di commentare, anche solo con domande o con divergenze. Non abbiate paura. STIAMO LAVORANDO PER VOI... Cordialità da e da ..

martedì 2 luglio 2013

informare? .. sì.. grazie!

da Informa...Cristo e Acr- Crv
Il pensiero di oggi è:
“La paura di non essere all’altezza ci fa salire di un gradino. ”
Proverbio giapponese
  International Institute of Humanitarian Law
Institut International de Droit Humanitaire
Istituto Internazionale di Diritto Umanitario

Dear Colleagues,

The International Institute of Humanitarian Law is pleased to announce that on 9th – 14th September 2013 in Sanremo we will once again be holding our globally recognised ROE Workshop. This popular course examines ROE in detail using the renowned Sanremo Rules of Engagement Handbook which since its publication less than 5 years ago has now been translated into more than 10 languages. We are fortunate to have as our Course Director Professor Dennis Mandsager the original project leader for the ROE Handbook and Maj (Retd) Phillip Drew one of the joint authors.


The workshop will examine the role ROE play in the planning and conduct of Military Operations across the entire spectrum of conflict providing participants with an opportunity to consider in a an unclassified context this crucial area of military operations. The Workshop will include the following:

- Briefings on national and multi-national ROE- Exercises involving the Sanremo ROE Handbook
- Lessons learnt from recent operations
- The relationship between IHL/LOAC and ROE
- Rules for use of force by PMSC
- ROE training
- Public and Media Perception of ROE
- Investigation of ROE incident

The teaching methodology comprises a combination of central presentations/ panel discussions and syndicate work. Additionally, it will include an ROE exercise during which participants will use the Sanremo ROE Handbook to draft and brief ROE for a variety of missions using a hypothetical scenario. The exercise scenario will be distributed to participants in advance of the Workshop.

The Workshop is designed as an advanced session that will include briefings on lessons learned by military Officers and Legal Advisers who have been involved in the drafting and implementation of ROE for national and multinational operations in the land, maritime, and air environments. It will also include ROE case studies, training models, investigation and claims procedures, as well as new developments, including ROE for unmanned systems and cyberspace operations.

Attendees will also participate in small group syndicate discussions to address current ROE and ROE-related issues using a series of case studies facilitated by the teaching staff using current examples of issues facing deployed military and civilian officials focussing on an outcome based approach by applying relevant legal and policy guidelines on the control of the Use of force.

Interaction between all participants is encouraged and the development of innovative and practical ways to apply (where applicable) both the spirit of and obligations created under IHL.

The Sanremo ROE Handbook is available for download from the Institute’s website and hard copies will be distributed to participants during the Workshop.

The registration fee is €800 Euro. This should be remitted before the start of the course, or on arrival in cash or Euro currency cheque. Credit cards are also accepted. The registration fee covers:

- Transfers to/from Nice Airport- Course materials
- Lunch and coffee breaks on working days
- Welcome Cocktail & Canapés
- Course Dinner
- Photograph, IHL Plaque and Diploma

The registration fee does not cover all other expenses incurred by the participant such as hotel accommodation, laundry or telephone calls, or any other incidentals. Accordingly, Participants bring with them sufficient funds to pay for such expenses or have access to such funds in Sanremo via their bank.

Registrations and administrative questions should be directed to

Best regards,

Colonel James JOHNSTONDirector, IIHL Military Department
a cura di

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